What issues need to consider when purchasing eco solvent printable heat transfer vinyl?

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In the transfer process, we sometimes need to printable heat transfer vinyl , and you need to pay attention to some issues when you choose, in order to purchase more suitable. In the process of selection, many people simply do not consider some details of printable adhesive vinyl , so they will directly affect the final results. These details are very important to you.

First,Need to look at the thickness of the printable heat transfer paper.Often some printable heat transfer paper with a thinner thickness tend to give poor transfer results.

Second,Smooth surface.The smooth surface is the most important, and some uneven and printable heat transfer paper will eventually cause the color of the printed pattern to be chaotic and slow to dry.

The color of the printable heat transfer paper is different, and we also have some differences in the process of selecting the printable heat transfer paper. Some patterns are darker in color. If the quality or effect of the transfer paper you choose is not good, even after the transfer, you may not be able to see clearly. This will affect the final result. According to their own needs, whether it is color requirements or material requirements, and then make specific choices, so as to ensure the use of results, will be very important for each buyer.

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  1. http://www.transfer2paper.com/classic-dark-printable-htv-vinyl-for-vinyl-cutting-machine-p00413p1.html




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